Thursday, January 6, 2011

Unmistakably Philippines

a design concept by: Dino Dizon, Aya Villa-real and Bea Portillo

Unmistakably Philippines puts a twist into the tourism program of the Philippines, taking cues from the locals and mixing it with our tried and tested tourist spots. Unmistakably Philippines also wants to bring attention to the lighter, sometimes more chaotic wonders of the Philippines like the Jeepney experience, a pop culture icon of the country that is unmistakably Filipino. It wants to give the tourists a taste of the Filipino culture that is more often than not overlooked.

The Philippines is rich in natural beauty, but in the big city, there are still a lot of things that are unmistakably, Philippines.


The idea behind the logo is that it represents a seal. It would be a  "stamp of authenticity" that when used, would show originality behind whatever image/poster (for example) it is placed on. The idea would be parallel to the stamps in passports whenever one would go through immigration; it is at that moment that you know you're finally well within Philippine borders. The stamp also shows resemblance to the Philippine flag with the elements of the sun and stars incorporated in the design.

The posters are supposed to showcase unique Filipino experiences and sights that are a must-do or see for every tourist that happens once they step onto Filipino soil. That means, it is a local habit that must be tried or experienced to be able to make the most of your stay. There's nothing like exploring a country and living like a local.

The campaign also encourages fellow Filipinos to come explore their own country as well with the many treasures just waiting to be discovered. The posters would show different places that need to be visited so locals would see what their own country has to offer.

The Ride of Your Life

It is pretty obvious how the Jeepney would scream Filipino culture. After all, it is a mode of transportation that is most used by Filipinos as well. The jeepney shows Filipino authenticity because of the unique experience one would take on once he rides the jeepney--that sense of rush and thrill and the cities flash by so quickly. The ride is short but memorable. It's the ride of your life.

Live in a World of Your Own

Most people would assume that Boracay, it being a popular tourist destination, is always filled; countless people leaving their footsteps on the white sand--but it's not always like that. Once actually has the chance to bask under the sun and listen on the waves as they beat on the rocks--it's that fleeting moment of relaxation and before you know it, you're in a world of your own.

Sweeter Than Your Box of Chocolates

No one would have imagined to see such a wide horizon filled with hundreds of Chocolate-colored hills. It's like a scene picked out from a story book. However, it happens to be a reality once you reach the peak after a hundred or so steps and you gaze out onto the wide view. The pride of Bohol, the hills here appear brown under the rays of the sun--it's sweeter than your box of chocolates.

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