Friday, January 7, 2011

Colorful Philippines

For our campaign, we came up with the name Experience the Philippines' Colorful Life. It pertains to the colorful sites, life, people and culture that the can be found in the Philippines. In order to experience the Philippines' colorful life, the audience will celebrate, taste, see, feel, hear the Philippines when they visit. The overall title of the campaign is also our slogan and because of that, we were given the chance to use different posters for our campaign. Its versatility enabled us to somehow play with different concepts for different topics about the Philippines. We replaced the first word of our campaign so that it will be appropriate to the specific topic that we want to promote. This also represents the diversity of Philippine life. 


The logo represents the sun which is the source of light and light is able to emit lots of colors. Thus the name of our campaign. The idea also came from the sun in the Philippine flag.

Of course, we made the posters colorful. We used vector art for all of the posters to emphasize on the different colors.

The first poster is entitled, Celebrate the Philippines' Colorful Life. This promotes the celebration of  festivals in our country.

The second poster promotes the biodiversity in our country. By going to the Philippines, people will  "reach"  and explore the great flaura and fauna of the country.

This poster promotes the famous tourist sites in our country where you can enjoy and relax with the people and its community.

Filipinos love to eat. This poster promotes the diversity of the Filipino dishes. By tasting these dishes, people will have an idea about why we eat five times in one day.

Group members:
Atento, Mikhaela
Bareiro, Frances
Lim, Simon
Karganilla, Kenneth

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