Friday, January 7, 2011

Our Treasure. Our Philippines.

Our Treasure. Our Philippines.
Concepts and Designs By: Maverick Shawn B. Aquino

The concept of this campaign was birthed from the realization that the Philippines has so many "treasures" that it is hard to address them all in a single campaign without being general. It was with this mindset that I had to look at the Philippines as a whole and see that the Philippines is our treasure. Our country is our treasure. "Our," in this context, is by no means a statement saying we Filipinos are keeping this country to ourselves. "Our," in this context, means that the Philippines, in all its splendor, is for anyone for wishes to partake of the treasure it has to offer. It is mine as it is yours. It is our country and we treasure it.

This is the logo I designed for the concept I had. When I thought of treasure, what came to mind almost immediately was a journey to find it. When I related this to the Philippines, the concept of a "treasure island" (well, treasure archipelago, if you want to be precise) seemed to stand out. So I took an island element with coconut trees, which incidentally the Philippines is full of. I had to put a sun in the logo. Nothing says tropical like the sun. So in keeping with the whole treasure-journey theme, I placed a compass element in the design and made it look like it was a sun setting (or rising) in the horizon. I also needed to use an old looking typeface for the lettering, because the concept I'm working with was not exactly something you would call modern. I added a washed out grid, to enhance the "old" feel, so that it seem like the lettering had to be gridded out to look neat and orderly, like back in the day. That's how the "Our Philippines" came to be. As for the "Our Treasure," I wanted it to look handwritten, to add  personal touch, almost like someone was saying it.

Treasure maps almost always come hand in hand when dealing with the concept of treasure. So that's exactly how I decided how my poster will look. I had to separate the compass from the logo for the poster, just so that it'll really look like a map, and it would've been weird having two compasses in the poster. According to the concept, the Philippines has a lot of treasures. So a lot of treasures means a lot of 'x-marks-the spot's in a treasure map. I would've placed more but I did not want the shape of the Philippines islands to be obstructed to much. Again, grids were placed on the poster, to enhance to "old" feel. Plus, maps always have grids.

The motion graphic video I did was simply a video interpretation of the poster. I think it's important for the designs, though in different types of media, should have a general look.

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