Thursday, January 6, 2011

Simply Everything in "One Philippines"

We came up with the slogan "One Philippines" for we want to give emphasis on attractions that you can only found in "one Philippines". Not only do we want to promote the usual tourist spots so often featured on past tourism campaigns but also the uniqueness of our culture, the sense of adventure and excitement you feel everytime you go to a fiesta in the Philippines, mountain hiking in one of our mountain parks, having a romantic moment with your special someone in a beach...simply everything that can only be found in "One Philippines".

The logo of "One Philippines" is designed in a simple manner that we don't want to sugarcoat it with unnecessary extravagance. The one thing we keep in mind is that we have to incorporate a "tropical element" without the need to put representations of seas and coconut tree. We added the sun as a representation of a cheerful positive people whose traits are very unique and what makes Filipinos distinct to others.

We primarily made posters for our campaign. It's not much but it's enough for audience to see what the kind of message we want to convey to them. The pictures speak for themselves and our audience can easily see that. :)

Group Members: Marcell King, Pem Gabiosa, Jaime Luis S. Habitan

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